Thursday, October 15, 2009

Looking for a "Hail Mary"

Hello Out there,

Yep, I'm still here ... well, for a little while longer anyway! Life has thrown a few curve balls my way and while I've been working on those, I've let my little stamping business slip and slide to the way side.

With the recent nip and the hint of snow that has blown through the air has brought my attention back, only to find that my little business is at a cross roads. If I can gather enough in orders to make my quarterly minimum then I'll be ok. OR If I do nothing, I will be de-activated and that's it.

Since a few of you have already put out the feelers to see what I have planned for the upcoming Holiday Season, I am going to try for a Hail Mary to pull my keester out of the fire! So, I'm putting it out there ... if you have an order that you've been sitting on all summer, now is the time!!! I have to place an order by October 30th *eek!* I thought I had more time!!

I have already been planning to have a stamp together in November (long overdue rain check for the party I cancelled back in April!) but I might have to bump that up to sometime in the next 2 weeks!

Let me know Stampers! I need your help, because I can't do it alone.... Are you with me?

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Thanks for taking the time to let me know what you thought of my post!

Have a GREAT day,
