Monday, March 31, 2008

Swaps, swaps and more swaps!

Stampin' UP Demonstrators have their own version of trading "baseball" cards only ours are really card fronts that we make and trade with each other to get ideas about using our stamp sets in different ways, different techniques, or just different colour combinations that we might not have thought of before. It's usually called a Swap. I signed up for my first official swap shortly after I signed up as a Demonstrator and this was my first Swap Card (card front) ... I think it turned out ok!

I was so excited about the cards that I would get back that I had a hard time settling down and coming up with an idea for my card front! For this swap we had to make 13 identical card fronts (1 for the hostess of the swap and 12 that would be swapped for 12 others). I made 16 just to be on the safe side *giggle*. This swap was to showcase ideas for cards from the 2008 Occasions Mini (you can find the stamp set used - Bloomin' Beautiful - in the link to that catalogue on your right! *wink*)

The second swap that I was going to do was an informal swap at my first team meeting (which actually fell before the bigger swap above). I got myself so worked up that I ran out of time and couldn't get my card fronts finished in time for the meeting. I was lucky enough to get 4 card fronts from my fellow demonstrators with the promise of sending them one as soon as possible! I can't even show you what I came up with as I didn't make an extra one for myself - I did use the Loads of Love stamp set and it was an Easter Card so I hope the Ladies that got it liked it! Thank you Ladies!!

The last swap that did, was for our INKredible's Team Meeting and all I had to do was make 5 cards to swap (and 1 extra for me!). This time I had worked out the idea in my head but when it came time to do it, the ideas I had just don't work out the way I imagined and I just couldn't make bring it together. So, I set aside all the pieces that I'd cut and started over. I think the key is to do something simple, don't get to fancy as you will have to duplicate your first card a bunch more times. Here is my most recent swap card front, I fixed it - the one I had here was too dark to actually see! The Designer paper is called Berry Bliss, isn't it lovely with that Chocolate Chip ribbon?

Even with all the panic and over thinking that I've done for the card swaps, I went ahead and signed up for a "WOW Swap" which is for a Conference at the end of May. A wow swap is not typically card fronts like the regular swaps but items crafted that make you say "WOW". I've seen some fantastic examples like a 3D baby shoe made out of paper, a diorama card with 3 levels, an oragami Christmas tree etc. For this one I have to do 50 of whatever I come up with! I've mulled it over for a while and I think I've come up with a pretty good idea - yes, I'm going to post it so gals, if you are reading please don't CASE (Copy And Share Everything) my swap until AFTER May 31st? *giggle*

Here are a few shots of what I've decided to do ...

This is an Origami Six pointed Star Box! I am going to make all 50 of them with Designer Series Paper. My first attempt with the designer paper was the little blue box with the 'Flowers For You' paper. I thought I was being clever cutting the 12x12" sheet of paper into 3x3" squares so that I could make a whole box out of one sheet. But it doesn't quite hold together nicely, the folds for the lid are a bit to bulky.

So, I bumped up the size a bit with the pink box. That did the trick and I am now well on my way to making my 50 boxes!

If you would like to try it yourself, just click on the little black and white image of the box to check out the link to the template that I am using!

Origami Diagram of the 6 sided star box

I look forward to reading about what you thought of my ideas!

Until then ... Happy Stamping Everyone!


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Thanks for taking the time to let me know what you thought of my post!

Have a GREAT day,
