Friday, July 25, 2008

Shoe Box Swap Cards!

This is my sample card for my Sock Monkey in the Grass card. This is the card I created for the Shoe Box Swap organized by my Upline, Sherida. Each of us involved in this even cut and brought all the supplies to make 10 of our cards. We set up our "station" then move to the next available station to make that person's card. Below you will find the cards that I put together at these stations! These Ladies are pretty talented and some of these cards were pretty tricky to put together but we all had a ball and got LOTS of ideas!

This is Sylvia's card and she made each of us that cute little "wonderful" card as an added bonus! Sylvia is quite the lady, lost of wonderful ideas! Her tip of the day was to put one of your dabbers on the end of a marker for ease of use! Fantastic Tip Sylvia, Thanks!!

This is Sherida's card! Her layout was designed by Carole Kisch. I always love her cards they have an element to them that is just so classy and tasteful! I will use this layout in future, it's just beautiful - don't you think?

Deb made this card and I love it! She is not a fan of my beloved sock monkey but that's ok, she made a wonderful card with him, despite his ugliness! You can't love everything right? But when you have Deb's skills and creativity, it's a challenge to work with something you're not crazy about. Great Job Deb! *laugh*

I will have to try out this layout design too. Unfortunately, I didn't catch the name of the Demo that brought this card in for the swap. She did a fantastic job though! Don't you think?

This is Crystal's card and it was a tough one! The scallope behind the "dreams" stamp is actually 10 circles punched out and stuck on around the edge. The 3 pannels were stamped as one then cut into thirds before laying them out on the black backing. Lovely card and I will try it again - Thanks Crystal!

I think this was Amanda's card and I think it's my favorite of the night! I just got the Always Stamp set as one of my "rewards" for Sale-a-bration and this is the perfect card to make with it! So pretty and could be used for so many things!

Don't you just want to eat this card? Those cupcakes (missing their sprinkles - will fix that later!!) are so yummy looking with their thick layer of icing! This is a fantastic card to show off the new In Colours, don't you think??

Here is another example of the Sock monkey set. This time the Demo pre-stamped a texture stamp for the body of the monkey and you had to cut out his white face and paws/tail from another piece of card stock. I did it backwards and cut out the textured body and glued it onto the white card stock instead. I love the subtle banana background on the yellow piece. Great layout!

This is an example of the "chalk board" technique! The Demo for this card made a beautiful card and it's tied for my favourite. The new Designer Series paper Bella Rose, is featured on this card. The small strip of velum paper at the top of the Bella Rose, is so cool!

This is one of the new Hostess Sets that will be in the new catelogue - I should have ordered it! These flowers are so delicate and soft, I can picture so many beautiful cards that could be made with this set!

Thanks to Sherida who organized this Shoe Box Swap! Thank you to all the Demo's that participated, I just love your cards and can't wait to try them again on my own!

Happy Stamping Friends!


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Introducing my Sock Monkey ...

Hey Stampers!

Look what I got! Yep, it's my Sock Monkey Stamp Set from the Fall/Winter 2008-2009 Catelogue Pre-Order! Isn't he CUTE!!??

I used Going Gray Classic Ink pad and my Aqua Painter to give him his "sock" like texture. First, press the lid down on the ink pad to transfer some into it, then do a light wash of colour all over. Then go back and add shadow and dapples.

The bananas on the left are actually embossed! Hard to see in this picture but glossy yellow that reflects the light and just give it that extra touch!

I made his eyes pop with a dot of black marker covered with a drop of Crystal Effects! Have a closer look ....

I can't wait for you guys to try him out too!!

more to come ..... stay tuned!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Compare the New In Colours with the Classics!

Hey Stampers!

The new In Colours are almost here!! August 10th is the launch of the new Fall/Winter 2008-2009 Catelogue when they will be available for purchase. In the mean time, one of my fellow Demonstrators, Deb Kemp, put these comparisons together and shared them with us. Have a look to get an idea of how they compare to some of the classic colours from the collections.

What do you thing? Please give me your feedback! Love 'em? Unsure?

Riding Hood Red

Tangerine Tango

Baja Breeze

Kiwi Kiss

Pacific Point

Pink Pirouette

I have ordered the whole set and you can get a better look at them in person very soon! I will be having an Open House in August after the launch of the new Catelogue! I hope you will be able to drop by to try out some of the new stamps, in the new colours, have a look and/or pick up a new Fall/Winter 2008-2009 Catelogue! Or book your own party with your friends and family!

Happy Stampin'!

